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BM Signature

by Baharak Movasaghzadeh

BM Signature by Baharak Movasaghzadeh
BM Signature by Baharak Movasaghzadeh
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BM Signature

by Baharak Movasaghzadeh

BM Signature Services

by Baharak


bm Signature

Baharak has always been a fan of arts. After finishing her Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from one of the top Iran’s Universities, and while working in her specialized field in Road and Transportation Designs, Baharak developed an interest in Permanent Make Up. She started working on expanding her clients from early 2013 and because of her high referral ratings, it didn’t take long for her to become a well known and trusted artist.

BM Signature- Meet Baharak

Make an Appointment Online

Not every permanent makeup artist has the skills. It is technical and delicate; that’s what makes it a unique skill.
Book an appointment now with Baharak.

Training and Workshop

by Baharak

Master Baharak has more than 10 years of experience in the permanent makeup industry and throughout the years, not only has she worked with celebrities but also has offered training courses both online and in person.

By taking these comprehensive courses with Master Baharak, you will have the chance to learn these exciting skills from one the best BoldBrows and PhiAreola masters in the world.

The courses will be available to you with the unlimited support of Craft Master and Master Baharak for 6 months including unlimited access to online lectures and videos provided for you to strengthen your skills in these amazing fields. For more information regarding our training courses and workshops, please visit the training pages.